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多元種族研討會 (英語版本)


Seminar on Ethnic Diversity: An International Perspective
June 15, 2010

Please click the title in green for the powerpoint.

Registered Social Workers in Chung King Mansion – Some Reflections from Hong Kong
Mr Keezhangatte James Joseph
Fieldwork Supervisor, The University of Hong Kong

Diversity and Multiculturalism: Present Practices and Possible Future Policies
Prof Handel Wright
Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada

International Migration Policy in Luxembourg
Mrs Marie Schneider
Assistant Doctorate, University of Luxembourg

Living in Harmony: Empowering Practice Amongst Diverse Populations in a Globalising World
Prof Lena Dominelli
Professor, Durham University, United Kingdom

A Framework and Service Model of Anti-racism in Mental Health Residential Service in Canada
Ms Amoy Ong
Instructor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Voices of a New Generation of Multicultural Swedish Adolescents: Embracing Their Cross-cultural Diversity in Schools and Neighbourhoods
Ms Anthea Renae Howard
Master Student, University of Goteborg, Sweden

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