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Report ofStudy visit on the management and operation of mentoring programsFor deprived children and youth(November 3-6, 2009; Sydney, Australia)

Report-back on Study Visit on the Management and operation of mentoring programs for deprived children and youth in Australia February 5, 2010 (Friday)

Australia Experiences in managing and operating mentoring programs for deprived children and youth

Ms CHOW Oi Ting (Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service)
Ms Chu Lai Ying (Hong Kong Christian Service)
Mr Wong Chi Yuen ( Society for Community Organization)
Ms Yu Fan (The H.K.Federation of Youth Groups)
Ms May Wong (Hans Andersen Club Ltd.)

Hong Kong Experience (Community/corporate- based Model)
Ms CHOW Oi Ting
Ms YU Fan

Hong Kong Experience (Faith-based Model)
Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor 教會關懷貧窮網絡
Mrs CHEUNG Ang Siew-mei (Christian Action)
Mrs POON Yu Miu-wan (Industrial Evangelistic Fellowship)

Hong Kong Experience (School-based Model)
Dr Linda TSUI (Honorary Director, HKU Mentorship Programme Chairperson, Management Committee & Supervisor, Hon Wah College)
Mr Eugene WONG (Associate, JSM)

Dr. CHAN Ching Hai, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Science,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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