兒童 青年 長者 家庭 少數族裔 藥物濫用 社區發展 殘疾人士 其他

(美國麻省"Emerge"模式) (1)處理家庭暴力協調機制研討會 (2)施虐者輔導計劃小組輔導員培訓 (3月8至10日)


Emerge Model (Massachusetts, USA)
March 7-11, 2006
Training Handout / Materials

1. A Group Education Model for Abusers
2. Doing a turn-susan's version2
3. Giving Good Feedback Exercise
4. The Facts on Health Care and Domestic Violence
5. Parenting Violent and Controlling Behavior Checklist
6. Violent and Controlling Behavior Checklist
7. A Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence
8. Emerge Flow Chart
9. Massachusetts Guidelines and Standards for the Certification of Batterer Intervention Programs
10. Historical Timeline of Institutional Responses to Battered Women 1800-2002

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