Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare Age-Friendly Cities Family Centre Practice Aged People with Intellectual Disabilities PW Test 1 Eng Practice Guide on YND

Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare

The Best Practice Awards has been organized every alternate year since 2003, with the aim of giving recognition to good practice, promoting public awareness of the contribution of the welfare sector and enhancing cross-service professional exchange and sharing of experiences. 


Please click the link below for the description of winning projects.


(Chinese Only)

Year Theme
2017 Foster Social Participation and Advance Positive Change

Inspire Potential and Facilitate Collaboration for the Better Society


Mobilize Community Participation to Create an Inclusive Society

2011 Alternative Support-Caring Initiatives
2009 Embracing Changes for Sustainable Development
2007 支援家庭發揮力量       (List of Winning Project only)
2005 共建融和社會
1. 發展人力資源   
2. 推動自力更生           (List of Winning Project only)
3. 加強家庭凝聚
4. 促進社區共融


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