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09-05-2019 -

「香港青少年精神健康」研究 (Chinese version only)

31-03-2017 - 「香港青少年精神健康」研究 (Chinese version only)

2000至2015年香港社會福利界所進行的以「邊緣青年」為主題的研究案例調查 (Chinese version only)

30-05-2016 -

‘From School to Work: A Hard Journey’ - Hong Kong Youth Employment Research

01-04-2016 -

Continuing Development and Employment Opportunities for Youth

01-04-2016 -

如何過渡?從學校走向工作研究 (Chinese only)

01-04-2016 -

Impact on Youth Unemployment in the Midst of the Global Financial Crisis

01-04-2016 -

Pathological Gambling of Marginal Youths and Students in Hong Kong

31-03-2016 -

香港青少年援交現象研究2011 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

Study on Deviant Behavior among Adolescents

31-03-2016 -

青少年從事違法及潛藏危機工作調查 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

Family factor is important both for the success and failure of young people in their lives: reflections from two qualitative researches on youth delinquency in Hong Kong

31-03-2016 -

Family-centered Prevention of Adolescent Girls’ and Boys’ Prostitution

31-03-2016 -

A Study on Girls In Gangs

31-03-2016 -

14–25歲異性戀性活躍青少年的性行為模式 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

14–25歲異性戀性活躍青少年的性行為模式 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

「從第一次性經驗看邊緣青少年性價值觀」 - 青少年性價值觀質性調查 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

「總有出路—升學以外」問卷調查 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

「知識型經濟下 - 香港中學資歷待業青年的就業能力」研究 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

「金融海嘯中的大專生 - 工作價值觀及就業前景」問卷調查 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

「高中生 - 規劃升學及就業目標」問卷調查 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

Study on the Influence of Information Technology on Youth

31-03-2016 -

最低工資的實施對青少年就業影響調查報告 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

「最低工資」對青年的影響調查報告書 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

高不成、低不就?青年就業困難與出路研究 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

香港青少年對建造業的觀感意見調查 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

Face the Reality: The Aspiration on Career and Fringe Benefits for Employment

31-03-2016 -

事實與偏見--青少年就業經歷質性研究報告 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

技能訓練學校畢業生就業狀況調查報告 (Chinese only)

31-03-2016 -

The Prospects for the Last Cohort of S5 Students

31-03-2016 -

A Study on Drug Abuse among Youths and Family Relationship

11-05-2015 -

Research Report on Cross-Boundary Substance Abuse Problem among Youths in Hong Kong

11-05-2015 -

A Study of Substance Abuse in Underground Rave Culture and Other Related Settings

08-05-2015 -

在家濫藥青少年及家庭關係調查 (Chinese only)

08-05-2015 -

關注青少年聖誕節日濫用藥物調查(Chinese only)

08-05-2015 -

Northbound Pleasures: Pattern of Cross-Boundary Drug Use of Hong Kong Marginal Youths

08-05-2015 -

Study on Drug Abuse Situation and Service Needs of Non-engaged Youths in Hong Kong

08-05-2015 -

校園濫藥文化調查報告書 (Chinese only)

08-05-2015 -

From Community Organizing to Youth Development Training and Study Visit in London (June 15-20, 2014)

05-12-2014 -

社會 青年 未來: 青年政策與青年發展工作坊 (Chinese version only)

07-05-2014 -

Meeting on Youth Employment

09-07-2013 - 講稿Chinese version only

行政長官選舉政綱青年意見調查報告2012 (Chinese only)

30-05-2013 -

「青年無力感」調查報告 2011 (Chinese only)

30-05-2013 -

「2012高考生面對出路之壓力」調查 2011 (Chinese only)

30-05-2013 -

中五生對「新高中通識教育」意見調查 2011 (Chinese only)

30-05-2013 -

青少年對校園驗毒計劃意見調查報告 2009 (Chinese only)

30-05-2013 -

青少年對校園驗毒計劃意見調查報告2009 (Chinese Version Only)

30-05-2013 -

Youth Quality of Life Index

29-05-2013 -

Impact and Effects of Integration Experiences on the Young Generation of Hong Kong

29-05-2013 -

Impact and Effects of Integration Experiences on the Young Generation of Hong Kong

29-05-2013 -

Impact and Effects of Integration Experiences on the Young Generation of Hong Kong

29-05-2013 -

青年對權威的看法 (Chinese only)

24-05-2013 -

Study on Adolescents’ Access to Online Pornographic Materials and Its Impact

24-05-2013 -

酒杯背後 – 香港酒吧女拳手調查研究報告 (Chinese only)

24-05-2013 -

A Study on the Alcohol Drinking Habits Among Youth in Hong Kong

24-05-2013 -

樓上來的聲音—樓上酒吧工作探索 (Chinese only)

24-05-2013 -

青少年節日濫用藥物及進行非安全性行為調查報告 (Chinese Version Only)

20-05-2013 -

Youth Sexuality Study 2006

20-05-2013 -

青年隱蔽現況及家長壓力調查 (Chinese Version Only)

20-05-2013 -

青年隱蔽現況及家長壓力調查(Chinese only)

20-05-2013 -

Youth Sexuality Study 2006

20-05-2013 -

A Study on Drug Abuse among Youths and Family Relationship

16-05-2013 -

青少年濫用藥物概況調查2006 (Chinese only)

16-05-2013 -

香港青少年北上濫用藥物之個案研究報告 (Chinese only)

16-05-2013 -

外展少女服務對象的飲酒模式研究 (Chinese only)

11-04-2013 -


09-11-2012 - 青年高峰會議2010「創建未來 青少年面對的挑戰與機遇」 第二場分題研討會 人口與就業挑戰、環保與可持續發展、多元文化與創新科技 日 ...


09-11-2012 - 分題研討會-健康與心理質素   日期:  2010年1月16日(星期六) 地點:  香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈1樓禮堂 ...

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