The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Stronger Family Stronger Workforcel Stronger Community
Conference on Balancing Work and Family
May 25, 2006
Welcoming Remarks
Chairperson, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
[The Hon. Bernard CHAN, JP]
Keynote Speech (1)
Stronger Family Stronger Workforce
Secretary for the Civil Service, HKSAR Government
﹝Ms. Denise C Y YUE, GBS, JP﹞
Keynote Speech (2)
Benefits of Balancing Work and Family
Head of Human Resources, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
﹝Ms. Fern NGAI﹞
Keynote Speech (3)
The Changing Families in Hong Kong
Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
﹝Ms. Christine M S FANG,JP﹞
Conference on Balancing Work and Family
The Human Resource Perspective in Balancing Work and Family
President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management ﹝Mr. LAI Kam-tong﹞
Overseas Good Practices on promoting Family Friendly Workplace
Professor, Department of Politics and Sociology, Lingnan University﹝Dr. SIU Oi-ling﹞
Home Early, Work Happy - A Dream Realized
Director of the Hong Kong Observatory﹝Mr. LAM Chiu-ying, JP﹞
Working Together for Stronger Family and Stronger Workforce
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Christian Service ﹝Mr. NG Shui-lai, BBS, JP﹞