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Study Tour on Prevention and Tackling of Domestic Violence at UK (Edinburgh and London) Sept 2004 - March 2005



Report on "Study Visit on Combating Domestic Violence at UK, 2004" , HKCSS

Order publication of Report on Study Visit on Combating Domestic Violence at UK 2004

Final Report (Full)

Visitation Itinerary

Agency Visit Records
Leeds Inter-Agency Project, Leeds
West Yorkshire Probation Service, Leeds
Domestic Violence Team, Crime Reduction Unit, Home Office, UK
Metropolitan Police, London
Specialist Domestic Violence Court, Hammersmith Standing Together, West London
Domestic Violence Intervention Project (Batterer Intervention Programme)
Gloucestershire Domestic Violence Support and Advocacy Projec
t, Gloucester

Report Back Session: Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence Seminar Coordinated Community and Criminal Justice ResponseFrom UK to HK
All prensentation powerpoint files
Participants Feedback to the Report Back session (November 25, 2005) (AM)

Reference websites
List of publications

Seminar on Batterer Intervention Programme and Outcome Effectiveness in HK

All prensentation powerpoint files
Participants Feedback to the Seminar on Batterer Intervention Programme (November 25, 2005) (PM)

Background Information of Batterer Intervention Programmes provided in HK
a. Harmony House
b. Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
c. Family and Child Protective Services Unit (NTW), SWD
d. Clinical Psychology Unit, SWD

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