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Joint Force in Tackling Drugs Misuse
Report-back on Study visit to UK on Prevention and Treatment Services
(July 10, 2007)


Report-back on Study visit to UK on Prevention and Treatment Services
Ms Ivy Chan,Hong Kong Christian Service
Mr Louis Toh ,The Christian New Being Fellowship
Ms May Ngai ,Caritas – Hong Kong
Mr Paul Lo ,Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – HK

Suplementary Papers
Tier1 Screening Tool -Havering Young Persons Drugs Service
Tier 3 Comprehensive Assessment Form

Developing a Multi-disciplinary Community Rehabilitation Model
Dr Ben Cheung ,Chairman of ACAN Working Group on T&R, Narcotics Division

Future Direction in Combating Substance Abuse in Hong Kong
Dr Choi Yuen Wan ,Chairman of ACAN, Narcotics Division




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